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A Chefe Perfeita

Nota: 5.4
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Beautiful, successful Jessica Slate is used to getting what she wants whether she has to use her brains, charm, or body to do it. So when Jessica is hired by Mickelson Pharmaceuticals to fast-track a drug that will keep the company afloat, shes confident she can convince the FDA to make it happen. W ... continuar lendo

ORIGINAL: The Perfect Boss (2013)
TAGS: drama, mistério, thriller,
DIRETOR: Curtis Crawford, 
ROTEIRISTA: Christine Conradt, 
ATORES: Linden Ashby, Art Hindle, Gary Hudson, , 
ATORES: Jamie Luner, Ashley Leggat, Christina Broccolini, Lois Dellar, Lynne Adams, 


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