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O Príncipe Negro

Nota: 6.4
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Flaming com as crueldades bárbaras e conquistas infame do Dark Age of Terror

ORIGINAL: The Dark Avenger (1955)
TAGS: aventura, capa-espada,
LIVRO DE: Daniel B. Ullman
DIRETOR: Henry Levin, 
ROTEIRISTA: Daniel B. Ullman, Phil Park, 
TRILHA: Cedric Thorpe Davie, 
ATORES: Errol Flynn, Peter Finch, Patrick Holt, Michael Hordern, Moultrie Kelsall, Robert Urquhart, Noel Willman, Alastair Hunter, Rupert Davies, Ewen Solon, Vincent Winter, Richard O'Sullivan, Jack Lambert, John Welsh, Harold Kasket, Leslie Linder, Robert Brown, John Phillips, 
ATORES: Joanne Dru, Yvonne Furneaux, Fanny Rowe, 


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