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O Navio Fantasma

Nota: 4.7
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Tom Merriam signs on the ship Altair as third officer under Captain Stone. At first things look good, Stone sees Merriam as a younger version of himself and Merriam sees Stone as the first adult to ever treat him as a friend. But after a couple strange deaths of crew members, Merriam begins to think ... continuar lendo

ORIGINAL: The Ghost Ship (1943)
TAGS: drama, filmes antigos, mistério, thriller,
LIVRO DE: Leo Mittler
DIRETOR: Mark Robson, 
ROTEIRISTA: Donald Henderson Clarke, 
TRILHA: Roy Webb, 
ATORES: Richard Dix, Russell Wade, Ben Bard, Edmund Glover, 
ATORES: Edith Barrett, , 

Os Caça Fantasmas
Os Caça Fantasmas