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Ela Era Irresistível

(Too Hot to Handle)

Informações sobre Ela Era Irresistível 1960
Ela Era Irresistível
SINOPSE: O filme traz os conflitos entre Johnny Solo, dono do bar Pink Flamingo, que namora a sensual Midnight Franklin, e o dono do bar rival, Diamonds Dielli.
ANO: 1960
ORIGINAL: Too Hot to Handle
PAÍS: Inglaterra,Irlanda
drama, nudez, policial, 
DIRETOR: Terence Young
ROTEIRISTA: Harry Lee, Herbert Kretzmer
Tom Bowman
Tom Bowman
Sheldon Lawrence
Sheldon Lawrence
Robin Chapman
Robin Chapman
Karlheinz Böhm
Karlheinz Böhm
Patrick Holt
Patrick Holt
Morton Lowry
Morton Lowry
Michael Balfour
Michael Balfour
Martin Sterndale
Martin Sterndale
Barbara Windsor
Barbara Windsor
Elizabeth Wilson
Elizabeth Wilson
Jayne Mansfield
Jayne Mansfield
Judy Bruce
Judy Bruce
June Elvin
June Elvin
Kai Fischer
Kai Fischer
Katherine Keeton
Katherine Keeton
Penny Morrell
Penny Morrell
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